Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Birthing Center!?!

So, I went and met one of my midwives today. Their office/birthing center is connected to the hospital! They gave us a tour of the place and I started asking my questions. Like, how long do I get to stay after delivery? She said, "Well, since you will have traveled quite a ways (1 hour) and if it's in the middle of the night, so nobody has had any sleep, then we'll let you extend it to about 5 hours, but it's usually 4 hours!" hahahaha hmmmm....maybe it's time I really think about this. They will deliver in the hospital if that is what I choose, whether now or mid-labor, but I really want my hospital vacation! I mean, does she know what I have to go home to? No offense to my husband or independent children, but they are kinda needy when I'm home. Also, anything I want/need to eat I must bring myself. It's basically a home birth, not in the home. We'll see! I'm kinda demanding and needy myself.

Anyway, we had a fun day in Annapolis and then headed back to our place. Walter made a stop on his way home from work and came home with these...

I keep reminding Walter, these kids came willingly out to Maryland, he should probably start on the wife gifts!! :) He just reminds me he is building me a house...and I shut up after that!

Oh, and on the list of things I never thought I'd say to my children...over and over again!

"Grady, get out of the oven!"


Melinda said...

Holy crap! 5 hours?!! That's insane. I highly recommend the hospital. I would never survive and hour car ride to the hospital.

Missy said...

I forgot, are you going to find out what you are having?
Grady is crazy! I've successfully frightened my kids of the oven - although that probably won't last.
We miss you too.

April said...

4 or 5 hours then you get to go home? Then you don't have people coming in on different shifts to check this or that! Just have your midwife specify to Walter you MUST stay in bed the first three days. Worked for me! (I had a homebirth with Max.)

Grady is a daredevil compared to my kids, they wont even flip the oven light on!

The Petersons said...

What a great blog. Now I know what you have been up to. Vacation every day. Is the oven easy to open and lower. Whatever gave him the idea.

Lori said...

When did you do all these posts? I checked your blog a couple of days ago and these were NOT here! Sounds like you are having lots of adventures. We miss you.