Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a lazy day...

Well, you would think it was lazy since we can't go anywhere! But, it is hard work entertaining these kids indoors for all these waking hours! Luckily, at 10:00 last night I realized we were almost out of milk, so I went and prepared for today.

I've been worried lately, with good reason, that my kids aren't getting enough veggies. In fact, they have started saying no to veggies, which isn't normal. Although they still enjoy raw veggies on occasion, it's the cooked ones they won't touch! Anyway, my husband had the brilliant idea, and I'm serious and not trying to make fun of him, to give them V8. I sometimes crave the stuff, but just the idea of it, one swig and i'm done. So anyway, last night I picked some up. Today they wanted a snack, so I said "let's have some vegetable juice!" and they were excited! I pulled out the juice and they did pretty well.

Grady didn't love it or hate it, he just drank some

Winni hated it at first, then she said she liked it. She finished the whole can...maybe it's because she was promised a donut if she did. Either way, she got her 8 veggies in for the day!

Trae thought it was great in the beginning, but about half way through he decided it wasn't the greatest, although that donut sure did help him along!

Finally, I gave in to my weird craving and told my kids I'd race them to the finish! I chugged it, cause I figured I needed the veggies too! And they all finished theirs! So, we chased those veggies with a donut. yeah!!

Oh, and since nobody here seems to look at my toes and tell me how cute they are, I'm sharing them with you!

Now, I should clarify. My toes aren't that cute, neither are my feet, but oh those toe nails!! Aren't they the cutest!?! I hope I can find someone here that can do magic on my toes for a reasonable price! :)


Unknown said...

Toes aren't that bad but I do love the toe nails!! V8 is a good idea I will have to give it a try.

Melinda said...

Holy cow! Utah does crazy pedicures! Are you a Nascar fan? It's probably good that you moved to Baltimore.:)

amberjill said...

hhahaha Melinda, no nascar fanning for me! just fun and different toenails! you ready for visitors this summer??

April said...

You should check out the book "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfield. Sneak veggie's in and they don't know it, AND love it. I'm not a big fan of sneakery, but when they start to get picky, ya gotta get back to basics and away from processed. Kids start out loving veggies. They start to get picky when their systems are overloaded with junk.

And I totally want cute toes like that! Is that painted, or those Metalix stickers?

youreprettytoo said...

I just caught up on all your posts and I'm glad to know things are going better and that you are all eating your veggies! How fun to see your house progressing. Can't wait to see more updates.

Julie said...

I miss your toesies!!!

Meg Cook said...

Where did you get your cute toes done at in Utah? Hopefully you can find somewhere else that does a good job. That is an awesome idea with the v8. It made me laugh that your kids all chugged it then followed it with a donut!