Monday, June 22, 2009


Why do I feel I need to blog everyday?!? Well, a few reasons...

1. I feel like I need to! For myself, and for those of you who seem to be functioning just fine without me! :)

2. I think I secretly feel like I'm on vacation, a long one, and have to document it all!

3. So I can realize that, somehow, I'm actually surviving this! Even without daily contact with Julie or Kari. I'm pretty surprised myself!

4. So I don't forget me...I mean, so you don't forget me!

5. Cause it's my drug...of choice. No diet coke at 9 AM for me, just a good old fashion (catch up) blog session!

Today was boring! We had McDonald's for breakfast, which put me into a comatose state until about 2 PM, at which point I was able to function enough to get us some lunch. Not doing that again! Oh, and I've started packing...again! We head for GA on Thursday! Wish my in-laws luck, we will be with them for 2 weeks! :)


youreprettytoo said...

My blogroll and I can't keep up with all your blogging!:) I too am surprised that you and I can function without daily contact with each other and Julie. Summer is really putting a damper on all my fun. But I am happy to see you are doing well.

Rebecca said...

I love that you blog so much. I just wish you would actually post the posts on the day you say you did. Does that make sense?
Keep blogging. You and I are the only regular ones on my blog list.

Lori said...

We miss you so much and check your blog almost daily! Well the kids do check it daily. I was driving Blake up to Scout Camp on Monday and he kept asking me if I had read your blog and he knew more about what you are doing than I did! Gwen misses you more than you can know. Her days are long without the Gunters being a part of it. Come back soon!

Julie said...

Well just so you know I am barely functioning without you!!! I miss you.